Friday, May 27, 2016

Check Check, One Two

"Check yourself."

How many times have you sat down with someone and they tell you of a story or scenario  of what they're going through and you respond with something like "...yeah the same thing happened to me..." and then you went on to tell them about your experience.  Yes, it is a way to conversate but it is also a way to make everything about you. 

Or something else that may happen is that someone is confiding in you about something that is bothering them but in your reality what they're worried about seems so trivial and you go to say something to try and make them feel better but in fact it comes out as something that is of your opinion and may actually insult them. 

And finally my favorite. Forgetting my audience when I speak. I may be sharing a story or experience, followed by my passionately strong opinion and completely forget who I'm talking to. A real foot in mouth situation. 

What do these scenarios have to do with each other? Check yourself and do it constantly. Check your ego. Every time you have a strong opinion it's your ego that is wanting the attention. When your ego comes out you are seeking attention for only yourself and it becomes a one sided conversation. Be aware of your audience and try and see things their way when they are speaking to you. I used to think that one of my strongest traits is that I speak my mind. But now that I practice checking myself a bit more I realize that a stronger trait is always keeping my mind open but knowing when to keep my mouth shut. As a result I have learned more about not only who I'm talking to but just humanity in general. Say less and understand more.

Friday, May 6, 2016

F-U X 5

My dad's name is Fu. Every time I have to spell it out for someone I was always a bit embarrassed saying "F-U". But yesterday changed my mind. My husband and I were sitting on the couch and he started cracking up at something he was watching on his phone. Then he shared it with me and we were both almost rolling off the couch. Watch it and you will understand the daily mantra "Fuck You, Fuck You, Fuck You, Fuck You, Fuck You." BTW, it works. We both feel great today after saying that first thing in the morning.

Thursday, May 5, 2016


"There's nothing tomorrow can't fix."

You know the routine. 
1. Get upset about something.
2. Tell yourself you're not upset. 
3. Get distracted all day with whatever it is that upset you. 
4. Get mad that you're even upset in the first place. 
5. Start evaluating all the past issues (unrelated to the current one) that has pissed you off.

STOP! It's a ridiculous downward spiral that literally does not matter. Whatever you're upset about already happened. You don't even have to deal with it right now, this second. Just don't be upset. Life keeps rolling and time erodes all problems. Keep it moving and what once seemed so significant isn't so anymore. 

Cheapie Cheapie

"If you're cheap, you'll never have anything."

There's a huge difference between being cheap, frugal or just broke. When you're broke you just don't have it. When you're frugal you're just careful with it. When you're cheap you you won't let it go even if you do have it. There are no happy people around cheap people. Think about it. If you're cheap you don't attract happy, you don't get more, you don't give more to make more happy. It goes around and around. Cheap never helps, be generous. You always have enough to be generous.


"To love is divine, to trust is sublime."

It's always a miracle when we love. It's not easy, love. What is harder is trust. When you have Love+Trust, it equals a beautiful fairy tale relationship. 


"True friends protect your character as if its their own."

True friends keep it real. True friends will never let anyone talk crap about you. True friends will always let you know everything that pertains to you. True friends will speak for you when you can't speak. A true friend is only a true friend because they didn't judge you and stuck around because they love you. It's a beautiful thing to have a true friend and it's a privilege to be a true friend to someone.